Monday is Here Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 3/11/12 8:16 pm - Philadelphia, PA
GM PA!!!

It's Monday.....Sounds like it's going to shape up to be a beautiful day out there today.

Weekend was nice.  Saturday my daughters came over for a visit and dinner.  The guys worked on the house, it looks like we are down to 3 pages of things to complete, maybe another 4-6 months of work left. 

Today is work till 4ish, then off to class till 10.  Very long day ahead for me....   Still working on cleaning up my thesis I want to present on April 9th as scheduled.  I have to get some brochures, flyers, post cards, and newsletters together as we have to present the "whole" package.  I also need to sit and look at the financials again (my weak point)

Hope you all have a wonderful day...



Lisa H.
on 3/11/12 9:22 pm - Whitehall, PA
 GM Ida and PA.... wow 3 pages of stuff to complete... I still can't believe you have to deal with all of this on your own. . 

Had a nice weekend.. celebrated the Bat Mitzvah of one of Siehara's friend and spent time with Neil on Saturday.. Sunday relaxed and then went out for dinner with my Dress Barn coworkers to spend money the company gave us for having a great last quarter or something like that.. 

Today will be a mix of emotions.  It would have been my dad's 77th birthday.  As hard as I took my mom's death, it was like a relief when she did go because she suffered so long.  My dad was harder because he was always a fighter and pulled out from whatever he dealt with, except damn pancreatic cancer.  Plus, when he died, it left me with no parent.. I've already cried a bit today and I'm sure there will be more ups and downs throughout the day.... 

It will be busy though, so I'm hoping to not think too much about him... .. working Aetna til 3:30, dentist and then meeting with the trainer tonight for an hour.   

My tracker


on 3/11/12 11:12 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Hugs Lisa  - I remember my mom saying she felt like an orphan when her mom died, even though they hadn't been close for years - she was much closer to her father. And I really didn't get just how much it affected her until I lost mom 2 years ago - my dad died so long ago and like your mom it was finally a blessing because he suffered so much, but when mom died I felt very alone too. And she lived with us for so long (18 1/2 years) and I took care of her the last 4 years of her life that it left a big hole.

Saying lots of prayers for you today - and don't hold it in - if you need to cry let it out - honestly you'll feel better.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 3/11/12 11:18 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - Ida, so sorry you're still dealing with all the house stuff, but this time around you know it'll be done right. Hang in there.

I got up late this morning - we had a sick doggy all night who kept us up and he finally settled down around 4:30 and we fell into a good sleep, so when the alarm went off I just shut it off and went back to sleep. Of course only sleeping 1/2 hour later makes us a full hour late for work due to traffic, but I was still the 3rd person in the office so I don't feel too bad about it.

We had an incredibly busy weekend - but we got a lot done - sold some of the furniture we had put on Craig's List and it's out the door and we have cash in our pockets. Spent time with friends Saturday night and one of Len's daughters Sunday night. I didn't get anything packed this weekend but I did manage to go through the rest of our photo albums and pull out the pictures I really wanted to keep and threw the rest out. Still some more of that to do but a little at a time.

I know I'm still packing and keeping way too much - it's just hard to get rid of 'good' stuff, you know?

OK - I better get some work done...that's what I'm here for, after all!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 3/12/12 12:03 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Ida, Lisa and Kathy, those yet to appear here. . .

Ida, unbelievable the saga you've endured over the past couple of years, well at least there is an end in sight in two areas and hopefully you will have a long time of enjoying the fruits of all that you've had to endure!!!

Lisa, well I know the feelings you are having and Kathy said it well, when my Mom passed 10 years ago, even though are relationship was not always idealic, I felt like an orphan, not to mention I never had a dad growing up and it does not matter that she is gone 10 years, when Mother's Day comes, I am sad, when her birthday comes, I am sad and when the anniversary of her death comes I am sad, while the natural order of life is what it is, missing them is a testament to their lives and so I pray your sadness today can be among the memories of joyful moments had.  Sending you hugs and happy thoughts.

Kathy, imagine you are counting the moments til you head south for your next adventure in life.

Everyone else, wish you the best day possible, as I, myself, am miserable from the allergies of this early spring thing, but hey, it will pass and the bonus is longer, fuller days of living. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 3/12/12 12:39 am
GM Ida and PA!!

WOW! What a weekend it has been!!! Thank goodness it has been ALL good stuff, but STILL busy!!
Today I took a personal day so I can go to Dee's school for her IEP meeting. She has been diagnosed with ADHD, which is no big surprise, but it is still hard to swallow. Then this evening we are taking her to the pediatrician to see if he wants her to go on medication. Many people have told me to NOT put her on any meds, but I will see what the doc says...

Lisa, I am going to send you a cyber ((HUG)). It is ok to be sad about your dad. Give yourself that time to remember and reflect on your time together. Try and hold on to the good memories and times you shared together.

Ida, you are one of the strongest women I know! Still so much to do, but you are that much closer!!

Have a great day!
Love, Beth">">>

(deactivated member)
on 3/12/12 12:53 am
 it was a nice weekend.  we went to a Chinese Auction and our 8 yr old granddaughter WON tickets to the local skating rink.  I don't skate due to ankles and back problems.  So i took her skating, took my plastic canvas along and worked on cutting out bunny baskets for her 2nd grade class.  

I was dancing in my seat, so I did get some calories burned off there.  

Going to grab hubby by the hand and make him take a walk with me....  He doesn't know it yet.
My weight tracker is my Pre-surgery weight goal.  I'm STUCK at 270.  I wonder if cutting my hair will help get 1 lb off..  LOL...

on 3/12/12 1:02 am - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Ida and all of PA!  

What an amazing weekend I had.  It was filled with all good things!!!!  Friday night I went to see a show that the son of one of my besties was in.  A middle school production of, "Into The Woods."  William was one of the leads - he was AWESOME!!!!!  7th grader and boy can he sing!  Emily was beside herself and HAD to get his autograph.  So cute!  She loved EVERY minute of it and couldn't wait to tell William how awesome he was!

Saturday I did my first run of week 5 in the C25k program.  It was a doozy!  5 minute warmup, 5 minute run, 3 minute walk, 5 minute run, 3 minute walk, 5 minute run and 5 minute cool down....oh boy!!!!  That last 5 minute run was tough!  Tomorrow - day 2, is TWO 8-minute runs with a 5 minute walk in the middle....8 MINUTES!!!!!!  It is very possible that I will NOT survive the day! LOL!

Then Saturday afternoon I started to get myself all pampered up, hair straightened, make-up done and off to the reunion.....The only glitch was when I got to the hotel, I sat in my car paralyzed with anxiety.  I texted a friend to talk me through it.  I felt pretty, I felt put together and I KNEW just about everyone that was there - so I have no idea why it affected me so much.  Took me about 15 minutes to get the guts up to wak in.....And - to noones surprise - the first person I saw was one my my best friends from camp and his wife, who live in Arizona and I have not seen in 20 years.  What a great reunion all around....we danced, we laughed, I think I had something to eat - *****members.  I felt beautiful....I got a zillion compliments.  I was not huge in high school, I was always chunky, however, if you remember back to the 80's, everything was worn big, so everything was hidden.  However, with facebook so many people were following my journey that they couldn't say enough how proud of me they were.  And how terrific I looked and how amazed that they were that I was brave enough to go down that path....It was an amazing time!  I am still feeling pretty good about it!

TOday, I got in really early as we were doing a Dry Run of what tomorrow will look like as the testing begins.  Worked out fine for me.  I know who I am testing, I know who is going where and things are all going to go smoothly.  After school I have Molly's therapist then mine then home for the night to make sure my kids get to bed at a decent hour as testing is ALL THAT IS IMPORTANT right?!?! :)  UGH!

Happy Monday all!
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